
Vibrobot® silver plating - technical coatings made with Swiss precision




The process of technical silvering is carried out in Vibrobot® device of Swiss production, dedicated for precision electroplating of fine elements or those of a very delicate structure.

The entire silvering process, not excluding surface preparation, is controlled automatically and allows to obtain coatings which:

  • are bright, with a silvery color,
  • have good plasticity and corrosion resistance,
  • present excellent conductivity of heat and electricity,
  • show high hardness and abrasion resistance.


  • the possibility of processing very small, complex and delicate elements without fear of damage, as opposed to coating in barrels and other equipment,
  • significant reduction in the dispersion of the thickness of the galvanic coating on the surface of the detail - increase of the quality of the product,
  • optimization of the silvering process by limiting the amount of defective details and the conscious use of silver.

We perform the technical silvering service on details of copper, copper alloys, brass and steel. 

Baths are subjected to systematic laboratory analysis. 

The thickness of the applied coatings is verified by means of a measuring instrument using the X-ray fluorescence method (Fischeroscope X-Ray).


Contact details

P.W. Cynkopol

ul. Glinki 146

85-861 Bydgoszcz

NIP: 953-100-96-88


tel. 884 884 819

fax. 52 363 00 62

Production and enquiries:

tel. 502 500 944

tel. 502 488 583


tel. 884 884 479

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