
Tinning - excellent solderability of coatings for the electronics and electrotechnical industries


Tin is a silvery-white metal, highly malleable and easily meltable. It should be remembered that only tight tin coatings, in normal conditions, ensure effective protection of steel against corrosion. Tin compounds are not toxic to the human body, therefore, its coatings have found a wide application in the food industry.

We offer fully polished and micro-smoothed coatings, with technical use and decorative one.

Automatic control of the bath temperature ensures optimal conditions for the entire process. Thanks to this we get coatings which: 

  • are clear
  • without stains
  • are abrasion resistant
  • are characterized by perfect solderability 

Depending on the products covered, the tinning process is performed:

  • in the bell-barrel line
  • in suspension baskets
  • in the reel-to-reel line for fast-setting tinning of strips, wires and openwork.

In order to ensure optimal quality and repeatability of coatings, individual process parameters and dosing of additives are controlled automatically. 
Baths are subjected to systematic laboratory analysis.

The thickness of the applied coatings is verified by means of a measuring instrument using the X-ray fluorescence method (Fischeroscope X-Ray).


Contact details

P.W. Cynkopol

ul. Glinki 146

85-861 Bydgoszcz

NIP: 953-100-96-88


tel. 884 884 819

fax. 52 363 00 62


Production and enquiries:

tel. 502 500 944

tel. 502 488 583



tel. 884 884 479


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